Friday, May 29, 2020

Southeast Training - Anger Management

Happy Friday! Here is your last training packet of the week! Have a good weekend and look forward to new activities next Monday!

-Southeast Team 

Thursday, May 28, 2020

Southeast Training - Personal Hygiene

Hi everyone! Keep up the hard work you are putting into these packets. Encourage your friends to do the same. You could even work on them together with a co-worker or  a family member  (as long as you stay safe and practice social distancing).

Helpful Tip!

1.Please remember to fill out the form and the end of the activities (Purple Button). This is how we know you have completed the material. If you would still like to email that you have finished that is perfectly okay, but fill the form out first.  

2.If you have any pictures of you doing the material or have any questions please free to still email Sarah at 

Have Fun and Enjoy
-Southeast Team

Wednesday, May 27, 2020

Southeast Training - Self Advocacy

Hello Everyone! Here is your training activity. Have fun and enjoy!

Helpful Tip!
Please make sure you do the last activity (Check-in). This lets us know that you have completed the  Mandatory Training for the day! This lets us give you credit for all the hard work you have done while at home!

-Southeast Team

Tuesday, May 26, 2020

Southeast Training - Wearing a Face Mask!

Hello! We hope that you are ready to kick off a new week of training material. Please remember to fill out the form to let us know what you do each day! It is the last activity in the packet (the purple button).

Have fun and enjoy!

-Southeast Team!

Friday, May 22, 2020

Southeast Training - TEAMWORK!

Happy Friday! Please make sure to fill out the form at the end of the training today! (It is the new purple button) This will let us know that you completed your training material. This form  is only for things you have done online this week, not past packets. If haven't done so already please fill out that form too. The link is in yesterday's post. If you haven't finished up everything it is not to late to do it! If you need easier access click the Week 1 RECAP button at the top of the blog under the title for just the links to the daily packets! 

Helpful Tip!

Monday is Memorial day so there will be no training packet posted so come back Tuesday for all new activities!

Have a great weekend!

-Southeast Team 

Thursday, May 21, 2020

Check-In First Paper Packet

Good Morning everyone! Do you remember the paper packets you receive in the mail last month? We asked  you to keep track of what you were doing and bring them in when you come back into work. We still want you to do that, but we thought we would go ahead and check in to see where everyone is at. Use this as your reminder to do them if you haven't started yet. After all, these are the reason you are able to keep getting paid and who doesn't like money!

How the form works:
The form is similar to the calendar, all you need to do is click the box if you completed the activity! Please be honest, and if you haven't done it yet it is not to late to do so!

Helpful tip!
1.This form is only for the first packet not anything you have done this week. The form for this week will be given out tomorrow (Friday May 22nd)

2.If you would like to return your packet in early please do! You can return them  at the shop at anytime during work hours! A great time could be when you pick up your paycheck if  you do!

Thank You!
-Southeast Team

Southeast Training - RESPECT!

Hello Southeast Family! Here is your daily skill training packet! 

We want to be able to keep paying everyone so please make sure you doing them.The training packets are not optional! They are MANDATORY! In order to keep getting paid, Completion will be submitted and checked online by Southeast Staff.

Helpful Tip!

The recipes are just suggestions for you to do. If you have your own recipe feel free to use that! The goal is to just work on following directions. You can even get creative with it. Make to share it with everyone! 

Click Here to start Week 1 Day 4

Wednesday, May 20, 2020

Southeast Training - Resilience!

Hello Everyone! We miss you all and can't wait until everyone is back. In the meantime, keep doing theses packets and keep tract of what you are doing. We would love to hear  from you!

Click Here to start Day 3!

Stay safe and healthy! 
Enjoy and have fun!
-Southeast Team

Tuesday, May 19, 2020

Southeast Training - Establishing a Routine

We hope that you enjoyed day 1 training. Here is day 2! If you didn't finish day 1 feel free to go back and finish at any time.

Click Here to get started with Week 1 Day 2 

If you have any questions or want to send in pictures please contact

Enjoy and Have fun!
-Southeast Team

Monday, May 18, 2020

Southeast Training - Problem Solving!

It's time for more  “At-Home Training Activities” but this time it is going to be a little different. Instead of the paper version that you received last time, it is going to be available online! Every week day, this website will have daily practice and activities to be done until it is your time to come back to work. These activities will not only keep you active at home, but also keep you focused and ready to work when it is time! Every day Monday thru Friday we will send you a link for new training material. Remember to document what you do as you go along and share with everybody. Please feel free to take pictures as you go along with each activity and send them in. We would love to see all the fun and creative things you do with the items this week. 

Helpful tip!
Every activity will look like this, some activities will have a link to click on to view the training from there. If an activity has a link it will always be noted. Here is a example:

If you have any questions or want to send in pictures please contact

Enjoy and Have fun!
-Southeast Team